Advertising lessons for iconic 1960s Volkswagen ads with Alfredo Marcantonio & John O’Driscoll
My favourite article in the latest issue of Monocle? This dialogue between Alfredo and John around a highly successful series of ads made by DDB for VW in the 1960s and 1970s.
Here are my top 5 takeaways:
– use the same language: streetwise is better than bookwise if your audience speaks streetwise
– write your copy by addressing it to someone: start with “Dear Sophie”, pen your message, then rub the line off
– be audacious, be unexpected: the mythical Appollo moon-landing craft picture along with the “it’s ugly but it gets you there” headline was pure genius
– if the picture and the headline say the same thing, one of them is superfluous
– goods ads are all about trust between the client and the agency
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