by rmlfvr | May 28, 2017 | Uncategorised
A book lover’s enigma: Yale’s Voynich manuscript and its mysterious script(Source:
by rmlfvr | Aug 24, 2015 | Uncategorised
This amazing Parisian flat is built on libraries.
by rmlfvr | Sep 29, 2014 | Uncategorised
This Lewis Carroll-worthy book wonderland is the Admont Abbey Library in Austria The question remains: do they offer retreats for a couple of weeks?
by rmlfvr | Jun 6, 2014 | Uncategorised
Coolest piece in this Hamptons house: hand-shaped bronze stools, nestled mozzarella sofa, or fireplace-library with a view? I do have a sweet spot for the sofa which I’d both love to drop in and have a bite of – but how great would a nap with a good book...